Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 of Project 365

The sun was out today! It was a marvelous thing. Jenica got up from her afternoon nap and wasn't quite sure what the bright yellow stuff streaming in the window was. She was actually very intrigued by it for a good 5 minutes or so and enjoyed playing with the shadows that it made when she stood in it's path. It was the perfect chance to get outside and enjoy the dry and relatively warm afternoon so Brandi and I got the kids loaded up in the strollers and went for a run. In total, we ended up doing 6 miles, and only walked the major hills, which was pretty impressive considering we haven't ran pushing an extra 30 - 40 lb in probably at least 3 months. It really adds to the difficulty factor, that's for sure! It's a good thing we got an early start though since it still gets dark by 5 o' clock. This picture was taken about 10 minutes from being done and you can see the daylight is fading fast. The kids were troopers though and probably enjoyed some time outside almost as much as we did.

1 comment:

Jenica's Dad said...

Good picture. The sky looks cool