Okay, I had another photo all picked out and ready to be the photo of the day today, but then Jenica went and had a monumental moment and I, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity to use her picture instead! Tonight, at just over 16 months old, she went pee pee on her potty for the first time. Okay, I better explain a little more before you start thinking that I'm some sort of super mom for starting potty training before she's even a year and a half old... We got her a potty for Christmas with the intentions of just starting to talk to her about it for now, but she's still very much in diapers. However, I decided it would be fun to let her sit on it before she gets in the bath at night. She usually pees anyway either right before or right after she gets in the tub so I figured, why not? She didn't do anything the first time I set her on it, but tonight when Daddy set her on the potty before bath time, well what do you know... she went pee pee! So there you have it! More coincidence than anything else but still a proud moment for her parents none the less. She was rewarded greatly with lots of praise and a cookie that she got to eat in the bath tub, which really made more of a mess than anything else, but hey, we had to do something special for the kid, right?
Wow! That is amazing. Maybe she will keep surprising you :)
I'm sure this is one of many moments she will WOW you both! Way to go Jenica...yay!!!
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