Our day began at 3:30am this morning when we got up for our 6:00am flight to Maui, connecting through San Francisco. We planned to leave our house by 4:00, but didn't actually get going until closer to 4:30. We still thought we had plenty of time though, until we got to the airport and saw the huge line to check our 1 bag. We had managed to fit everything else in carry-ons and had even checked in online and had our boarding passes sent to our phones. However, by the time we got to the front of the line we had missed the 45 minute cut-off to get our bag on the plane (which I had honestly never heard of before today) so a quick decision had to be made as to what we should do. Since Joi was already at the gate, pretty much holding the doors for us at this point, and Jenica was strapped to my back, we decided I should go ahead with the kid (and only 3 diapers in my carry-on) while Rob stayed behind with the luggage and tried to get the next flight out. So here we are, just us three girls, enjoying the sun and the pool and hoping Rob gets here soon since we're on the last diaper and I have nothing but the clothes I'm wearing, some kid toys, some cheerios and some fruit snacks (luckily we found a cute consignment store close by where I was able to get a bathing suit and a pair of flip flops.... Hey any excuse to shop, right?) We won't tell Rob that between that and the cute Hawaiian dress I just couldn't resist for Jenica I've already spent $40. Not to worry though, he's on a flight over as I type this and should be here with us in a few hours. Nothing like a little excitement to start our vacation.
wow! what an airport story...scary, did you have to pay extra for rob's change of flight I wonder? Love the shooing part and good to know they have consignment shops in Hawaii.
Oh that is the worst feeling thinking you've done all you should have done and realizing that you may almost miss your flight...I'm so glad that you didn't though and that Rob has joined you by now. Whewwww...close one, now enjoy your amazing vacation! Have a blast and we love you and can't wait to catch up soon!
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