Friday, February 3, 2012

New Packages for 2012

Our packages have changed a little for 2012, due to the overwhelming requests we received last year by clients wanting to choose which pictures were included in their package, rather than having the photographer pick their favorites. We thought long and hard about how we could offer this services, while still providing you with a disc so you wouldn't have to order all your prints from us. We  also still wanted you to have the freedom to share your pictures on Facebook, email them to friends and family, and have prints and merchandise made at your vendor of choice. In addition, we wanted to be able to offer all this with out accompanying it with a huge increase in sitting fees.

So what we came up with is kind of a hybrid between the old and the new. Session fees have stayed the same and you still get to pick between 5 and 20 pictures (depending on your package) from your session to have on your disc with full copyright release. However, in addition to this, all good images from your session will be edited and uploaded to your own private online viewing gallery where you can view them, share them with friends, order prints and merchandise of any of the pictures, as well as choose your favorites to be burned to your disc. If you just can't narrow it down, you have the option of purchasing additional digital files at $25 each, or you can buy add-on bundles which can reduce the per file cost significantly. All our package details can be found on our website at Just click on the packages link on the right hand side and scroll to the bottom to learn more about the add on bundles.

Not only do I hope this new feature is a benefit to you, I also feel like it will help make us better photographers this year as we are able to see first hand which pictures are your favorites! And of course, our goal is to take so many great pictures that there is no way you can choose just 10! Because in all honesty, it will be the sale of add on bundles that will cover the cost of all the additional editing time that will be spent editing all your images, verses just the 15 - 20 that we use to choose ourselves for your packages.

Thank you so much for your business and continued support as we grow. We are so excited to see what 2012 has in store for Be Photography! We always welcome your input, so please feel free to comment here or send us a private message through our website.